A devastating storm unleashed chaos upon Margate’s central business district (CBD) on the KwaZulu-Natal south coast, claiming the lives of five individuals on Sunday night. The Ugu district municipality confirmed this tragic toll and swiftly mobilized search and rescue teams to manage the aftermath.
In the wake of the tempest, significant damage has been inflicted upon water and road infrastructure, prompting urgent on-site assessments to gauge the extent of the destruction. Municipality spokesperson France Zama revealed that a comprehensive cleanup operation is already in motion, while efforts to assess the financial implications of the disaster are underway.
With teams deployed on the ground, the municipality is actively surveying the Margate CBD, where businesses, roads, and residential structures bear the brunt of the storm’s fury. The KZN co-operative governance and traditional affairs department also corroborated the loss of life, pledging to gather further details as recovery efforts intensify.
The onset of the deluge was marked by relentless rain late on Sunday evening, recounted Ward 19 councillor George Henderson. As the downpour intensified, parts of this cherished coastal town found themselves submerged under rising waters, a dire consequence predicted earlier by the South African Weather Service’s warning of disruptive rain reaching level 5 severity.
Preparing for the Worst
In anticipation of localized flooding, authorities had cautioned about the possibility of rainfall exceeding 200mm within a 24-hour period, underscoring the urgency of preparedness and response measures. Despite these precautions, the ferocity of the storm caught many off guard, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake.
As Margate grapples with the aftermath of this catastrophic event, the resilience of its community shines through as cleanup and recovery operations forge ahead. Though the road to restoration may be long and arduous, the spirit of solidarity and determination prevails, offering hope for a brighter tomorrow amidst the shadows of tragedy.